Terms of Use

lixadu.com is available if the internet user agrees to the following conditions. Every user who uses the lixadu.com website is deemed to have agreed to these terms.

Copyright :

All rights of lixadu.com site belong to lixadu.com. All software products and articles, articles, advertisements, pictures, documents and similar intellectual products contained in the lixadu.com site are protected by copyright-related legal regulations. None of these products can be used without lixadu.com permission. The copying, re-production, unannounced and unauthorized use and distribution of these products for any purpose are prohibited by law.

lixadu.com Portal Terms of Use and Obligations :

1-) By being a 'Member' to the lixadu.com site, you acknowledge, agree and undertake that you have fully read the 'Agreement', understand the content contained in the Agreement and accept all provisions of the Agreement. The user is responsible for all transactions with his or her username and password and all consequences that may arise as a result of these transactions. The user undertakes not to give his or her password and username to anyone else. The relevant legal sanctions are contained in this 'Convention'.

2-) Members must engage in unlawful action and conduct on the lixadu.com portal. Members are liable for civil and criminal responsibility arising from any acts and actions they perform on the lixadu.com.

3-) Members lixadu.com contained in the materials (advertisements, text, articles, articles, pictures, links, encodings, field and subdomain seits structure, files, folders, database information, help and other categories, membership agreement, privacy policy and usage conditions, videos and any written, visual and audio elements) will not copy, reproduce, distribute, give to another site or third party, will not use anywhere else, either in these ways or in other actions, verbs and declares, agrees and undertakes that there will be no direct or indirect competitors to the lixadu.com site with their behavior.

4-) lixadu.com works according to the principle of members adding advertisements to the site database and other users reviewing and monitoring these advertisements. lixadu.com does not guarantee the legality, accuracy and reliability of the content that Members view and upload, under any circumstances or conditions. For this reason, it does not assume the legal and criminal responsibility that may arise.

5-) lixadu.com of the services offered by third parties, advertisements and content shipped by Members lixadu.com employees, business partners, managers, marketers can not be held responsible.

6-) Members will not engage in activities that are contrary to The Laws of The Republic of Turkey above lixadu.com, will not engage in acts and behaviors that will result in unfair competition and profits, lixadu.com site and third parties will not violate the personal and commercial reputation, lixadu.com acknowledge, declare and undertake that it will not manipulate the site.

7-) lixadu.com may use, share, disclose the confidential and private information sent by members during and after the member registration phase in accordance with the "Agreement" and "Privacy Policy" decisions, as well as lixadu.com of visitors and Members analyze any data obtained during its visit and membership and use it to ensure user satisfaction or to provide better service.

8-) lixadu.com may change the content contained within the portal by announcing the lixadu.com at any time, including the Terms of Use, Agreement, Privacy Policy, without consulting or giving any contact.

Intellectual Property Rights

1-) All elements of the lixadu.com site (including but not limited to design, interface, text, image, html, php code and other codes) (lixadu.com) copyrighted works) are used as lixadu.com site and/or lixadu.com under license from a third party. Users may not resell, share, distribute, publish, reproduce, or prepare derived works from them, or allow anyone else to access or use the services of the lixadu.com services, lixadu.com information and lixadu.com of the site's copyrightwork; otherwise, they will be liable to cover the amount of compensation claimed on the lixadu.com for damages incurred by third parties, including but not limited to, the damages incurred by third parties, including but not limited to court costs and attorneys' fees.

2-) All assets, in-kind and personal rights, including the services, information, copyrighted works, trademarks, subdomains, trade appearance or any material and intellectual property rights owned by the lixadu.com site, all rights of commercial information, are reserved.

3-) Users agree, declare and undertake to comply with the rules regarding the use of the Brand and Logo of the lixadu.com.

Law and Authority to Be Applied

Turkish Law shall be applied in the implementation, interpretation and management of legal affairs arising from the provisions of this 'Convention'. The Courts and Enforcement Offices of Istanbul are authorized to resolve any dispute arising out of and/or arising out of this 'Agreement.

Acceptance and Verification of Terms of Use

Terms of Use shall take effect from the date of announcement by lixadu.com on the lixadu.com help page. Members agree and approve these terms of use by using the lixadu.com portal. lixadu.com may change the terms and conditions of use at any time, these changes will come into force from the date they are published on the help page of the lixadu.com site.